Our Stellar Journey

Pioneers in the Heart of Calwa, Fresno, California

Nestled in the vibrant heart of Calwa, Fresno, California, our story unfolds like a constellation in the night sky—a tale of determination, unity, and a deep-rooted connection to both our Punjabi heritage and the local community.

As first-generation Punjabi locals, we’ve always cherished the values of family and community, engrained within the very soil of this extraordinary region. Our family’s longstanding presence has made us a household name, recognized and respected throughout the community.

When the winds of marijuana legalization began to sweep across the Golden State, we found ourselves at a crossroads. After countless discussions and heartfelt deliberations, we made a resolute choice—to embark on a new frontier and extend our horizons into the cannabis industry.

Our mission was simple yet profound: to empower our community and provide a secure haven for enthusiasts and those in need of medicinal relief. We aimed to be the guiding North Star for those seeking top-tier cannabis and cannabis products.

With an unwavering commitment to quality and excellence, we set forth on this cosmic journey, determined to create a safe haven where everyone could access premium cannabis and cannabis products, tailored to their individual needs.

In this grand cosmic dance, we invite you to join us on our voyage through the universe of possibilities, where tradition meets innovation, and where the spirit of community drives us forward. Welcome to a new era—the era of limitless opportunities, where the cosmos and cannabis unite.